What is a wooden furniture factory?
The wooden furniture factory manufactures and shapes wooden furniture such as doors, windows, beds, kitchens, benches and tables. The factory targets exhibitions, homes, hotels, shops, and public and private facilities.
In 2020, the size of the of the global wood furniture market exceeded 370 billion U.S. dollars and is expected to expand the global wood furniture market is expected to expand at a CAGR of 5.6% during the period (2022-2027).
According to the latest statistics, the number of factories in the Kingdom has reached 10,675 (9052 factories in production and 1623 under construction).
The total capital of factories in the Kingdom is about 1,361,750 million riyals (1,295,005,005 million riyals for existing factories and 66,745 million riyals for factories under construction).
The number of licensed workers in the Kingdom’s factories is 1,047,174 (980,694 for existing factories and 66,480 for factories under construction).
The number of factories in the Kingdom grew by 15.9% in two years (June 2020: June 2022).
Furniture factories represent about 4% of the total existing factories in Saudi Arabia.
Furniture factories employ about 27,166 workers.
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