المشروع عبارة عن إقامة مصنع الفايبر جلاس، حيث يقوم المشروع على تصنيع خزانات المياه، وحمامات سابقة التجهيز، وحوجز الطرق، وصناديق الكهرباء، والقوالب الخرسانية، وكرافانات الحراسة، وأعمدة الإضاءة، وأكشاك الحراسة، ومنافذ البيع، وكبائن فايبر جلاس للعربات، ويستهدف مشروع المصنع قطاعات كثيرة منها (قطاع المقاولات – قطاع التشييد والبناء – القطاع الأهلي – قطاع النقل – قطاع الكهرباء)، وذلك لكي يستفيد المشروع من زيادة معدلات الطلب على تلك المنتجات، وتشير دراسة جدوى مصنع الفايبر جلاس إلى أن المشروع يعد من الفرص الاستثمارية والتجارية التي تدر الأرباح الكثيرة وتحقق عوائد اقتصادية مرتفعة.
mashroo3k Company for Feasibility Studies and Business Plans is responsible for preparing the feasibility study of the fiberglass factory for the production and manufacture of fiberglass products, and after the company analyzed and studied the size of the market, it turns out that it is in great need of the project’s products, which are represented in the production and manufacture of (water tanks – Prefabricated bathrooms – Road barriers – Electricity boxes – Concrete molds – Guard caravans – Light poles – Guard booths – Outlets – Fiberglass cabins for vehicles), due to the advantages of fiberglass products that make them the most widespread and used.u003cbru003eThe products of the fiberglass factory are characterized by light weight, easy to form according to the shape of the mold and according to the consumer’s request, and it withstands high temperatures, which makes it one of the most important materials used in various industries, in addition to not being affected by chemicals such as acids and bases, and the factory provides its products with the latest technological methods and the highest quality at competitive prices The factory seeks to replace imports of fiberglass products, and also seeks to control the largest possible percentage of the marketing gap between supply and demand, and seeks to benefit from the growth of demand for the project’s products in the targeted sectors represented in; (contracting sector – construction sector – private sector – transportation sector – electricity sector).