تقدم شركة مشروعك للاستشارات، دراسة جدوى لمشروع مصنع الغازات السائلة في المملكة العربية السعودية، لتحقيق أعلى عائد ربحي، وأفضل فترة استرداد، من خلال مجموعة من الدراسات الدقيقة للقطاع الصناعي السعودي، وتحليل استراتيجيات المنافسين المحليين والأجانب، وتقديم عروض أسعار تنافسية.
Liquid gases plant produces various gaseous products such as: Oxygen, acetylene, and nitrogen. It targets metal welding workshops, food packaging factories, iron and steel furnaces, chemical and petroleum industries, health services and hospitals.
Mashrouk Consulting, Inc. For investors wishing to invest in the liquid gases plant project in Saudi Arabia, a set of specialized feasibility studies, based on updated databases specific to the Saudi market, which helps in the success of the project, achieving the highest profit return and the best payback period.
The products of the liquid gases factory contribute to many medical uses, as they are used in the treatment of chest and heart diseases, and liquid gases constitute a large percentage of the volume of materials used in the industrial sector, whether in the fields of refrigeration and welding, or in the packaging of foodstuffs. mashroo3k’s studies confirm that the products of the liquid gases factory represent an increasing rate of demand in the Saudi market, making it an attractive investment opportunity.