What is a financial analysis and performance evaluation service?

عملية جمع وتحليل البيانات المالية من خلال مجموعة من الأدوات والتقنيات تساعد على اتخاذ قرارات مالية حكيمة لتحديد فرص الاستثمار وتقييم المخاطر وتحسين الكفاءة المالية.

Objectives of financial analysis:

  • توفير المعلومات اللازمة لإعداد الخطط التي تساعد على النمو والتوسع في المستقبل.
  • الوقوف على حقيقة الوضع المالي للمؤسسة ومدي كفاءتها المالية
  • تحديد جودة الوضع المالي من حيث قدرة المؤسسة على الحصول على التمويل والقروض والوفاء بسدادها
  • تسليط الضوء على نقاط القوة لتعزيزها ونقاط الضعف لتصحيح المسار
  • تقييم مدي نجاح الإدارة المالية والإدارة العليا في الحفاظ على الوضع المالي مستقرا

Why do companies need a financial analysis and performance evaluation service?

  • يقدم رؤية شاملة لفهم الأداء المالي للشركة.
  • يوفر توجيهات استثمارية مبنية على البيانات المالية، مما يساعد في اتخاذ قرارات استثمارية مدروسة ومبنية على أسس صحيحة.
  • يساعد في تقدير المخاطر المرتبطة بالاستثمار، مما يساعد المستثمر في فهم وتقييم درجة الخطورة المحتملة.
  • يقدم معلومات قيمة تساعد المستثمر في اتخاذ قرارات استثمارية مدروسة ومستنيرة، سواء كانت في شراء أو بيع الأصول أو تخصيص الأموال في أنواع معينة من الاستثمارات.

Who needs a financial analysis and performance evaluation service?

  • المديرون التنفيذيون
  • المستثمرون
  • البنوك
  • الجهات التنظيمية
  • الأكاديميون

What are the requirements to get started with financial analysis and performance evaluation?

The following requirements are required to begin the process of analyzing and evaluating financial performance.

  • Detailed company information
  • Copy of the commercial register and the company’s memorandum of association
  • The company’s certified financial statements and annexes (last three years)
  • Auditor’s report (last three years)
  • Internal audit reports (if any).
  • Debt life analysis
  • Board Minutes (last three years)
  • List of policies, rules and procedures that have been approved by the Board of Directors
  • The legal status of the lawsuits filed by and against the company, specifying the amount of the dispute, the cause, and the status to date.
  • Additional tax and financial reports (if applicable)
  • Social insurance position
  • Any customer or debtor matches or endorsements
  • Detailed analysis of allocations
  • Analytical statement of fixed assets and their useful lives
  • List of encumbered assets – Negative certificate from the Land Registry
  • Information about storage locations and warehouses
  • Contracts and agreements with customers, partners and suppliers
  • Copy of loan contracts
  • Copy of title deeds for the company’s assets (land, warehouses, ….., etc.)
  • Explanation of branch details (if any)
  • Any information on competitors and market share (if any)
  • Company goals and future strategy (if applicable)
  • Analyze the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (if any)
  • Detailed statement of related party transactions and certifications of their balances
  • A statement of investments, the articles of association of investee companies and their latest financial statements (if any).
  • Report on the most significant changes to the company during the period
  • Statement of current and future rents and costs
  • Job structure and salary details
  • Detailed description of car maintenance and oil changes
  • Idle inventory statement
  • Fixed Asset Insurance Statement
  • Asset Spare Parts Description and Sufficiency
  • Analytical Statement of Receivables and Payables
  • Statement of fully depreciated assets that are still in operation
  • Bank statements
  • Bank certificates
  • Bank reconciliation notes
  • Detailed list of customers and suppliers

What is the scope and methodology of financial analysis and performance evaluation?

  • Preparing financial statement data (preparing and unpacking financial statement data is an important step before performing manipulations on it. to ensure the quality of the results).
  • Read and analyze financial statement preparation policies.
  • Comparison of actual performance results with planned sector performance
  • Provide positive feedback
  • Explain negative feedback, impact, and recommendations
  • Analyze financial statements.
  • Horizontal analysis of financial statements.
  • Vertical analysis of financial statements.
  • Market assessment
  • Analyze financial ratios and indicators.
  • Liquidity analysis
  • Profitability analysis
  • Debt analysis
  • Activity analysis
  • Market analysis

Why get a financial analysis service from your project company?

  • Mashrouk is characterized by having extensive experience in the field of business.
  • Your project is accredited with its studies and research by all funding organizations.
  • Mashreq aims to diversify the economy and create a fertile business environment.
  • Mashreq supports, guides and assists economic sectors to achieve sustainable development.
  • Your project has strong relationships with major international companies and institutes specialized in economic, administrative, marketing and financial consultancy, as well as international memberships, which qualified it to be the leader in its field.
  • Mashreq’s financial analysis and performance evaluation service provides a report on the strengths and weaknesses of your company’s financial performance. Top experts in the market recommend scientific methods and solutions on how to exploit strengths and weaknesses. and address weaknesses.

The risk of not implementing a financial analysis service:

  • The company’s management does not have a clear picture of the company’s current financial situation.
  • They cannot assess the strengths and weaknesses of their performance.
  • You don’t have enough information to make informed decisions.
  • The company is unable to effectively identify the risks it faces.
  • Don’t make proper plans to minimize and deal with risks.
  • Management makes haphazard decisions that are not based on careful analysis.
  • The company runs the risk of making wrong decisions that negatively affect its performance.
  • The company is unable to use its resources effectively.
  • The company is unable to demonstrate its ability to generate good returns for investors.
  • The company loses access to funding for its expansion plans.
  • The company lags behind its competitors in the market.
  • The company loses opportunities for growth and development.

Why do companies outsource financial analysis?

  • The company may not have an in-house team of experienced and skilled financial analysts.
  • It can be difficult to recruit and retain experienced financial analysts
  • It can be difficult for internal employees to be objective in their financial analysis.
  • A third party can provide more objective and accurate analysis.
  • This can help the company identify new opportunities and improve its financial performance.
  • The third party can provide specialized analytical reports that meet the company’s needs.
  • This can help a company make informed decisions and improve its financial performance.
  • This can help the company apply the results of the analysis and improve its financial performance.