Ice cream truck project revolves around purchasing a small truck and equipping it with all the necessary ingredients for making ice cream, including milk, sugar, cream, flavors, fruits, and nuts. The products are sold in public places such as parks, gardens, streets, and in front of cinemas. The project can be expanded by adding other products such as sweets and cold drinks. Such a project is highly likely to achieve remarkable success due to the immense popularity of ice cream, affordable prices, and the unique experience it offers.

<strong>What makes ice cream trucks become a popular and successful business model globally?</strong>

<strong>What makes ice cream trucks become a popular and successful business model globally?</strong>

In 2022, the global market value of ice cream reached USD 79 billion, with an expected CAGR of 4.2% between (2023 and 2027), reaching a market value of USD 114.7 billion by 2027.

<strong>What makes this ice cream truck shine bright in the UAE?</strong>

<strong>What makes this ice cream truck shine bright in the UAE?</strong>

Mashroo3k for Economic Consulting emphasizes that an ice cream truck is well-positioned to achieve remarkable success in the UAE, owing to the country’s standing as a renowned tourist destination, the low startup costs, ease of management, and the flexibility of mobility that ensures efficient distribution and reaching a broader customer base.

_ The average per capita consumption of ice cream in the market is approximately 3.28 kg.

_ Revenue per capita reached USD 19.42.

_ the ice cream market volume in the UAE is expected to reach 39.35 kg by 2027.

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